Dry Goods - Update 09/07/24
Going into the 2024 season, it became apparent to me that trying to sell a full range of all dry products was near on impossible and that focusing on a select few ranges would be more successful. After some careful consideration, all dry goods were removed from the website temporarily until I could build a strong enough selection to put back on the website. These products were all chosen based off my personal experiences with them, and positive feedback from customers. This means that products available to purchase have been fully supported by not only customers but myself, which allows for a better experience and aftercare than what was previously offered.
I have always been under the understanding that looking after customers is paramount and trying to supply every product available meant this wasn't always achievable, which I can only apologise for. I am hoping that by reducing the number of products allows me to have a stronger connection with customers and also allows me more time to support those who require help.
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